
The comp relation is used for arguments of verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, auxiliaries, adpositions and conjunctions.

This relation is refined into several sub-relations: comp:aux (auxiliary argument), comp:cleft (cleft clauses), comp:obj (direct object),comp:obl (oblique argument), comp:pred (predicative argument).

In most cases, SUD native corpora are directly annotated with the sub-relations, rather than with the comp relation. However, comp may sometimes be used when one has difficulty deciding between comp:obj and comp:obl.

In French, the comp label is frequently used to annotate reflexive pronouns and other pronominal clitics which contribute to the formation of pronominal verbs when it is difficult to determine the role of a pronoun. In constructions such as Il s’en sort the pronoun se no longer provides the semantic value of an argument of the verb. However, it fits so well into the typical argument structure that it is hard to recognize that it cannot be de-pronominalized. For this reason, we annotate the relation with a comp label.




In the case of passive reflexive constructions, the pronoun is labelled comp with the deep syntactic feature @pass.
